It’s somewhere between a pure electric car and a hybrid - but, in reality, it’s far better than either! The Volt, on the other hand, is a “plug in hybrid,” a “series hybrid,” a “range extended electric vehicle,” or… probably half a dozen terms I’ve seen over the years. It’s confusion for the sake of confusion as far as I’m concerned. And some marketing people at Chevy should be strung up for that bit of cutesy confusion, because it doesn’t help anyone. If you’re not familiar with the Volt, you may be in the process of confusing it with the Bolt - which is also a Chevy product. Plus, they depreciate like mad (just like all other electric cars), so you can get one cheaper than you might think! The Chevy Volt I think it’s the “sweet spot” for electric transportation at this point in time, I think it’s rather significantly more environmentally friendly than a pure BEV for most use cases, and I think that, for most people, it’s a really, really good car and highly worth considering if you’re interested in cheap, (slightly) environmentally friendly car transportation.

Since it’s my blog and I can post what I want, I’ve decided to talk about the Volt for a while.

We picked up a used 2012 Volt with under 30k miles, and have been using it quite a bit, because, well, it’s our car.

Some while back, I tossed in a (little noticed) comment at the end of a post that we’d obtained a Chevy Volt.